Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving or Giving Thanks? (which do you prefer?)

Thanksgiving is a holiday where people from different families reunite. Thanksgiving to me is when relatives go to their relatives and eat food. Im not sure how long this holiday started. I like this holiday because you can eat however much turkey and pie you can eat during the day. Last year however, I ate too much of ever thing like pie, turkey, potato salad, fruit salad, and juice. During that evening, I got sick from eating too much I regretted for what I ate. From that day on, I never did eat more than three plates full of many yummy stuff.. Oookie Dookie, I hope you people have a great Thanksgiving or Giving Thanks Oh, I have one more thing to say. I am very thankful for my parents because they both took care of me and supported my. Maybe Im gonna stop here.


::NTwitchell said...

suuure we eat lotta food!!!:)).....yummy:D two more days till u gain weight again=] lol...

Irniaq said...

THREE PLATEFULS ONLY from now on??!!?? Gosh, you make me wonder how much you ate last year if you got sick. Four platefuls? Seven? Twelve? Your poor stomach!

; )

Wassilene said...

How much did you eat?? LoL:D